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Wall Street Scavenger Hunt


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Take a gander at this scavenger hunt. Extremely oblique clues that make me marvel that someone is able to solve it within a time limit!

If you want to play along, skip to my next post. Otherwise, the answer is in the link below:


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OKay, if I am understanding this correctly, I have some of the clues figured out, just not all of them, or how they connect yet.  This is all I got.


First Stanza

1.  We Bring Good Things to Life (a reference to General Electric)


3.  Where's the Beef? (Late 80's Wendy's commercial)



6.  Nothing outlasts the Energizer, it keeps going and going and going (Energizer Battery commercial)

7.  Breakfast of Champions (Wheaties)


Second Stanza


2.  We answer to a higher power (motto of Hebrew National hot dogs and sausages)




6.  "Hey Boys!"   ?  just a guess.

7.  Don't leave home without it (American Express Credit Card commercial)

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You're on the right track!

Some extra clues:

2. Think of an easier synonym for illumination, and then use that as a slang term.

4. Americans may get this transportation company slogan more easily

5. This slogan has three key words which are alliterations


1. Flip the number on its head - restate it in the positive.

3. Translate "while the sun shines down" to the correct single word synonym, and this becomes dead simple

4. "Devils people" is actually a paraphrase of the company's name

5. Think of a two word phrase for "to raise skyward" in which the two words rhyme with each other

6. Your guess for the second word is correct

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  1. GENERAL ELECTRIC: We Bring Good Things to Life
  2. ??: I'll have a light.
  3. WENDY'S: Where's the Beef?
  4. ??: When there's no tomorrow.
  5. ??: Food, folks, and fun.
  6. ENERGIZER: Nothing outlasts the Energizer, it keeps going and going and going.
  7. WHEATIES: Breakfast of Champions


  1. ??: 99.44% pure.
  2. HEBREW NATIONAL: We answer to a higher power
  3. ??: Where do you want to go today?
  4. HELLMAN'S: Bring out the Hellmans and bring out the best
  5. ??: The quicker picker-upper
  6. ??: Hello Boys!
  7. AMERICAN EXPRESS: Don't leave home without it
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