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drpaladin last won the day on August 2 2018

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  1. It's nice to think it, but he's been forced to do quite a bit and recently too. Realistically, at some point he will have too much power for mere mortals to be around. He's been the youngest at everything. Why not the youngest god?
  2. I think you meant Procrastinators Well Known.
  3. I've wondered about this as well. This isn't the only story to come to a sudden and unexplained halt. Sands of Time Rebooted, which was posting biweekly, stopped during the same time frame.
  4. I am under the correct impression when issues arise, they shou!d be pointed out.
  5. Someone forgot it's been two weeks since Mar. 3rd and was time to drop another chapter of Sands of Time.
  6. There's a hide switch right above the submit button when creating a topic when you have mod/admin permissions. It's possible to hit both at once.
  7. There was no update Monday July 12th and now none for Thursday July 15th. Is there a problem?
  8. The only new content approved and viewable is Kaiser's Magic vol 4: Kaiser's Pack Next Gen Chapter 1. Everything else is 'Coming Soon.'
  9. These updates aren't active when you go to the indicated chapters.
  10. I was disappointed there wasn't a new chapter five this Monday evening.
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