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    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    Whatever it is I am glad to hear that 32 is on its way and i cant wait to read it.
  2. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Jay in Kandric Saga   
    Whatever it is I am glad to hear that 32 is on its way and i cant wait to read it.
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    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric world discussion   
    Lol if that's the case then the guilds will be rubbish. Based on the story line it seems that if there is one thing the guilds cannot allow is fake ranking. Remember in chapter 2 it was stated that if the guilds found out anyone claiming to be an echelon higher than they truly are the guild will kill everyone who are involved. Besides I doubt that Monarch will allow fakers in his camp. 
    I only brought this up cos since his demon kill will make him 1 exp away from Expert why didn't Kandric make Expert then but only after the Great dragon kill?
  4. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric world discussion   
    Wasn't Kandric a teaching when he defeated Monarch's officer who was Expert Echelon swordsman i.e one echelon higher than Kandric?
  5. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    I am sorry :P. While it will undoubtedly be important in the overall context and the subsequent chapters, I just can't help but think of theses part as getting in the way of the juicy parts of action scene or descriptions of a new skill/waepon/scene. That said I can't wait for the next chapter but perhaps I shall try some restrain. Thanks for the latest chapter btw. It was absolutely fantastic. Loved the pond idea.  
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    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric world discussion   
    Ah right cos there wasn't a reference point for the status of spirits/gods/premier. Somehow I think Kandric is legendary echelon too by now. Its an interesting way to think that gods power depend on worshipers but how do the Gods get their spirit servants or power to heal? How about demons who seem to be able to regenerate insofar they can return to the spirit realms?
    To me high council seems more like a post than a true echelon rank, considering that only 1 person can fill it as the acting Supreme leader of the specific field? I am just inferring here from the fact that Falk was approached since the current person wanted to retire. 
  7. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric world discussion   
    Actually I have been kinda puzzled over the echelons vs dragon gifting. Does advancing through the echelons by dragon gifting make one more powerful than another who advanced "naturally" when both are rated the same in terms of echelons? Its strange that Glaster seems to suggest that Kandric is higher in status simply by killing 2 greats even though Glaster is rated extremely high in echelon. In terms of the Gods/spirits/demons/great dragons, are their ability measured in echelons or on some other basis? 
    Considering that Rovnar is elevated to Godhood simply by killing dragons, why is Kandric "only" a Master after outperforming Rovnar?
  8. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    Yay! Finally read it all. It was fantastic but now it seems that we have to deal with this wait for the next chapter again. I loved the fight scenes but some parts felt a little draggy especially those about the Yarney group. 
  9. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    Nooooooo. Stop messing with my poor head. That's why I have trust issues. 
    @Zergrinch If its at the editor's desk as they claim then you know who to pester since it would mean that Kyle has already finished writing it.  
  10. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    Yeah I know know that its likely to be a massive update but being so used to instant gratification makes this suspense so hard to deal with.  I just can't wait to find out what happens next to all the plots that that zergrinch mentioned.
  11. Like
    Skylar got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    I seem to recall him suggesting that it will be done by last year but the goal post has been shifted to this year. So yeah. Fingers crossed that it will be soon. The last update was more a year ago. Seems that the write time between each chapter is increasing too.  
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