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  1. Once again we have a cliff hanger of some considerable length, really DJ SIX MONTHS or more between chapters???? Sharpen your quill, grab a new sheet of parchment and get scribing again PLEASE. Best wishes Bob Cooper
  2. Sadly, I suppose we will have to accept that Wizard Heart is gone, run out, suffered writers block or whatever other unexpected endings. It was SUCH a good story as well. farewell Ethan but I hope we see you back someday. Regards to all W.H. fans Robert Cooper
  3. Episode 24 was on May 16th 2016, It is now almost April 2017. Do I need to keep looking for 25 and onwards? and it was SUCH a good story as well. ( Sad face)
  4. I have re-read it so many times that the corners of the pages are fraying. But I still enjoy it.
  5. It's a long time since the last chapter of The Wizard Heart but I see your other story keeps getting new installments. When can we expect continuance of The Wizard Heart? Best Wishes Bob Cooper
  6. This cliff hanger is a very LOOOONNNGG one???
  7. Uncle Max will soon get the information and I bet that whoever is behind this will be a HUGE shock/surprise to all of them.
  8. Now November still no relief to my suspense. Best regards Robert ( Mr Impatience) Cooper
  9. When is the next chapter due?? I am really on hot nails waiting for it; Regards Robert Cooper
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