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    Eghas got a reaction from Zergrinch in Into the Swamp of Bones!   
    "Aww come on Boss!"  Eghas says in Gnoll, as he draws an arrow ready to fire at the first enemy he sees.  "we got the kid we need.  they obviously are able to put up much of a fight.  I mean they're cowering inside a broken down tower.  and look at how well the rest of this group did against us at first.  Hell i would lay odds that they could storm out of their tower, and none of them would make it five feet before they got killed.  They're nothing but a bunch of thugs who wouldn't know what to do against a real warrior, other than hide behind kids, and piss their pants."
    He grins almost manically to the rest of his companions before he finishes up.  "i say fuck the kids we were only gonna sell them as slaves when we could.  Lets get in there... kill them all, take the big bag of coin, and go find us a place to relax for a while."  He laughs loudly as he slaps Quelten on the back.  "And hell we might find a nice brothel and get the young cleric laid for the first time!  Come on Boss, quit babbling to these idiots, and lets just kill 'em"
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