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  1. Any chance you can post the final chapter(s) even without Kyle's okay? Would really love to see the rest of the story. Thanks for sharing the story, I have really enjoyed what has already been posted, and look forward to the rest.
  2. Kyle did post The Wrong Guy to Gay Authors recently. He has posted new chapters of The Kandric Saga there first, so he might have been checking that everything is good to post there. At least we can hope. Would love any new chapters he wants to send our way.
  3. Since @KyleAarons is active right now, could you ping him about approving the last chapter, I would really like to read it. Thanks
  4. I wanted to add another gentle ping to this requesting that you please post the final chapter. I know that Kyle is now publishing Defender for sale (and have bought the ebook), but I hope that this story can be concluded. Thanks for all of the hours of enjoyment I have gotten from your writing. And I hope you come to a space where you can write more stories.
  5. I just bought Defenders: Storm Warning on Amazon. It covers the first part of the Defenders story that was here. I really enjoyed reading it again, so I recommend everyone go take a look at it. Hopefully sales will help Kyle to write more in the Universe. Speaking of the Universe, Kyle, I understand Rilbur has a sent you the final chapter in his Defenders Universe story. I would love to read it, so please take a look.
  6. Just found this on Amazon, and read it straight through. There were a few changes from the story I remember from here, and this book only covered the first part of the story here. I really enjoyed reading it again, and am looking forward to more.
  7. I am hoping that Kyle is almost ready to publish another book. Emperor Roland, if you can't give hints about which world the book is set in, can you give hints about when it will be available?
  8. Thank you for following up on this, I am looking forward to reading it.
  9. I was just re-reading Unexpected Reactions, and was coming here to ask about its completed status. The last chapter that I could find was chapter 13, and it definitely ended in a cliff hanger. Then I saw Rilbur's post above about chapter 14. Is there someplace that I can find it? I really like the story, and would love to finish it.
  10. I am glad to hear that Kyle is getting close to publishing another book. I bought his first book and really enjoyed it, and am looking forward to his next book. I know you have said that you can't say which universe the new book is in, but can you give a guess when we will be able to buy it? And speaking of things I am looking forward to reading, I am hoping that another chapter of Sands of Time is working its way to us. I have been checking every Monday hoping that it will be included in the list of new chapters. Thanks for providing hours of reading (both your own stories and hosting other authors)
  11. I am also hoping for a chapter (or two :D) in this story. Like I said above, it is my second favorite (after Kandric Saga) and am looking forward to it continuing.
  12. Just finished reading chapter 26. and am really enjoying the story. Glad that we have a while more of a chapter every 2 weeks My question is do they really think they will stay out of the Watch's interest? A foreign prince that is buying property in the city? They won't be able to keep the "new" smithing techniques secret, not to mention making magical weapons. As omnipotent readers it is very obvious that the Watch is going to be interested in the party, but doesn't the party realize that the won't be able to avoid the Watch's interest?
  13. I finished the Kindle version of Ripples of Aggression yesterday. It was a very good read and I recommend it to everyone. It felt a little less gritty than Brile and O'Connell's Grenadiers, but was still a very good read. I am looking forward to more books in the series. Once a little more time has passed for others to read it, there will need to be a spoilers thread. I have some guesses that I want to see if others agree with
  14. I see that chapter 16 of both stories is over at Wolfsnest. Are they going to be posted here? The question is really an excuse to say that I am loving these two stories, and is there any chance of there being a chapter 17 soon? The plot seems to have taken a twist in chapter 16, and I am looking forward to seeing where it is going. I am betting that some of the chars from the Grenadiers are going to end up on Brile fairly soon.
  15. Kandric Saga is one of my favorite stories, but I know how much energy it takes to create a new chapter. So I am hoping that there is a new chapter in progress in my second favorite of the in progress stories, Destiny's Shadow. I enjoy all of Kyle's stories, and would love to see more chapters in any of them.
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