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My Secret Identity

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[Special Note: The new website is now live. As a result the links throughout this thread are invalid except for the latest posting to the thread. All of Ryan Bartlett stories can now be found at Ryan Bartlett]

Chapters 1 through 16 presented at http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/ryan_bartlett

Edited by Zach Caldwell
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Benji and I were supposed to meet up with some buddies and go watch Avengers: Age of Ultron today.  We overslept.  Throwing papers at night can really screw up your sleep patterns, especially when the company you throw for keeps increasing the number of publications you throw on certain nights.


Anyways, I slept through the alarm, Ben needed sleep anyways and I wasn't feeling up to driving to Pensacola.  So, sacking out on the couch, I finished all of this story from chapter 3 through the end.  Small breaks in between for like that food stuff and bathroom breaks and such.  But other than that, i was oddly focused.  And those of you who have spoken to me know that oddly focused is pretty much how I do schtuffs.


I shed a tear or two during that one chapter, you know the one.  I had sudden flashbacks to an author friend of mine who often says "not all stories have happy endings," and felt things had gone that way.  Without giving away plot, happily surprised.  The story does lead itself to a continuation, which will frustrate the rest of us for however long until Bobby and Spencer show up again.


Excellent job.  Now get back to work and write more!   I found the story not only compelling, but very easy to relate to.  The situations the boys find themselves in are odd and unique, but their reactions to them are completely believable.  I enjoyed their sense of restraint and holding onto their innocence.  And you have to respect that the boys spend so much of their time worrying about others, trying to make things better for others.  Selfless dedication, the hallmark of a true superhero.


Wonderful story, Ryan.  Patiently waiting to see if the boys speak to you further.  Please do share it with us if they do.  Again, excellent story.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow ! I didn't know the author had passed away . I just sat down and read this amazing story & I wanted to thank him for sharing it with us all . Maybe another writer could ghost write the next novel in his honor . May he rest in peace ! 

            Johnny C .

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Ryan gave me a general outline of what he intended to do with the second part of this story, but I will never write it. I have a difficult time duplicating my own style. Duplicating Ryan's would be impossible for me. I suppose, however, if someone were to want to take up the task, I could be willing to consult.

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