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What sci-fi book series is your favourite?


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JJ version is referring to the JJ Abrams movies. Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness. Good movies, the only reason I can say that is because they are established as an alternate universe. If his movies had been done in what is considered the prime universe, talk about one anger and upset puppy I would of been.

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haha okay, yeah original Spock does say in the first movie that the moment they altered the timeline and thus created a new universe when he meets new Spock in the movie.

Dunno, I liked the new movies, I tired once to see the original series and ...well...never again!! saw a season of the one that the actor that also plays Xavier from x-men plays, new generation I think? but didn't have the motivation for more than one season... oh well..:P

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How about this variation on the question: what obscure sci-fi stuff do you remember that had moments of genius or that maybe influenced you somehow.


There are two kinda obscure ones that I can think of right off hand.  Oddly, they share the same first name, lol.  First is a little thing called "Space:1999"  and the second is "Space: Above and Beyond"  Anyone remember them?

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I was pretty young, but I remember Space 1999, I do not remember any of the episodes. But I do remember Martin Landau who starred in it. I also remember a show that was called Time Tunnel. I think it was that show which set the stage for Stargate SG-1 catching my eye many years later.


Also remember The Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman as well as The Man From U.N.C.L.E., ALF and Knight Rider. Of course the biggy. The Outer Limits.

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I can go back further- Lost in Space.


AB- You had to have seen the original Star Trek when you were a kid or when it first came out. If you go back to it now you see just how bad the effects and acting truly were. LOL


I do remember Space:1999. Also liked the original Battlestar Galactica; it was nice to see Lorne Greene get off the ranch. Can anyone get that reference? ;) 


You all left out Mork from Ork :P 

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I can go back further- Lost in Space.


AB- You had to have seen the original Star Trek when you were a kid or when it first came out. If you go back to it now you see just how bad the effects and acting truly were. LOL


I do remember Space:1999. Also liked the original Battlestar Galactica; it was nice to see Lorne Greene get off the ranch. Can anyone get that reference? ;) 


You all left out Mork from Ork :P 

Ben Cartwright, the show was Bonanza

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I am going to go a little off course here seeing as this is the Books/authors forum and you guys are talking TV series I thought I would throw in a book series


The series of Books About Honor Harrington

By David Weber

Basilisk Station was the first book in 1993 and has 13 books in the series
there are 4 spin off series
a video game
and movies and cartoons
This is a must read for any sci-fi fan

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You all left out Mork from Ork :P 


Now if you can mention 'Mork from Ork' then I can bring the British BBC's 'Red Dwarf' in to the discussion... Who can forget Dave Lister... Arnold Rimmer his hologram nemisis ... Cat... a lifeform which evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant pet cat Frankenstein; Holly... Red Dwarf's computer or Kryten...  a service mechanoid.


It had run for Ten [10] Series between 1988 - 2012 on BBC 2


OR The many 'Saturday Matinee' Serials from the late 1940's and 1950's like: "Captain Video, Master of the Stratoshere", "Buck Rogers", "Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe" or my favorite "King of the Rocket Men"

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HMMM name of the forum Books/Authors


Yeah, but the scope of the original post was rather clearly on film :D


But fine, be that way.


John Ringo's Looking Glass series

John Ringo's Council War series

John Ringo's Troy Rising series

David Weber & John Ringo's 'Empire of Man' series

David Weber's 'Safehold' series

Elizibeth Moon's Trading In Danger series

Elizibeth Moon's Herris&Serrano series


The list goes on and on and on...  

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Yeah, but the scope of the original post was rather clearly on film :D


But fine, be that way.




The list goes on and on and on...  



When it comes to all the Sci-Fi Books and in reality Films/TV Shows also... the feelings I have is like what I say about my Love/Hate relationship with my local 'City of Books'... "Too many Books/'Films or Shows'... Not enough time in a lifetime to read/'view' even a fraction of them all..."  Though I will keep on trying to read... Watch... as many as I can as long as I can... ;)



PS: I've been re-reading all my old favorite Books Series' 'Pern', 'Dune', 'Ringworld', 'Rama', 'Dark Tower', 'David Eddings Books', 'Raymond Feist Books'... Can anyone recommend anything new/newer that they like... so I can get out of my rut and move into the 21st century of Sci-fi Authors and Books...

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I leave for an hour and all hell breaks loose :P

Yeah I love farscape...dat theme :D

@Jeikor I tried watching original Star trek series....saw half an episode...that was it lol



AB... try to give the 'Original' series another chance... to someone who was not around before 1966 it can [and at times, does] look a tad bit hooky... BUT remember to those of us that DO remember what was availible before 1966 'Star Trek' was ground breaking and the best thing on TV... In its' way it was the '2001: A Space Odyssey' of its day... nothing was ever the same after it aired...

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AB... try to give the 'Original' series another chance... to someone who was not around before 1966 it can [and at times, does] look a tad bit hooky... BUT remember to those of us that DO remember what was availible before 1966 'Star Trek' was ground breaking and the best thing on TV... In its' way it was the '2001: A Space Odyssey' of its day... nothing was ever the same after it aired...


Ya I know...but I was not around before 1992 :P tried re-watching it after the 2nd Startrek movie about a year ago and I was like "No." :P

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