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The Deserted Beach

Kyle Aarons

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"Tiefling is what you call Eghas? You are going to have to explain the difference between that and a Demon Spawn." D'Narenth laughs. "I will admit that this creature has not acted in the way I'm accustomed for such beings to act. Regardless, because of the nature of the attacks by our enemies, my people will destroy him, should they set eyes upon him."


D'Narenth scratches his eye-horn as he thinks. "We can do this one of two ways. A select group of you, with the younglings there, can come with me to my village to be shod and perhaps clothed. You can also exchange your coin, should it be valuable metals, for our coin. There will be a price to pay for that exchange. Be warned.  My village is about an hours horse-walk away.


"The other choice? About four or five hours away, there is a small village of mostly dwarfs. They have not only a money changer, but also a couple of blacksmiths one of which is a weapon-smith. There is also a weaver and a cooper. Any immediate needs of this group can be met at this village." D'Narenth pauses.. again scrathing an eye-horn.


"Either way, we travel over ground that will cut their feet," he points to the four, "so it is good that Reld tries to make them some shoes. It will be tough going."

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Elan'fal looks at innil and remembers. "I can try and make potions for us if that's what our new leader and the group wants..." He says to the group after hearing Innil offer to make shoes. He turns his attention to D'Nareth and translates what he said to the rest of the group.

"D'Nareth do you know of any herbs around here I could use to try and make potions?" He asks the dragonborn.

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The prospect of going into a village full of these... dragon thingies that can eat him whole... does not appeal at all to the half-elf.  No, especially if he can't understand the hissing sound these creatures make.  Better he stays here with the kind Elf fighter.  Maybe he can pick up a few pointers from watching how the leatherworker does his trade.


"I will not be useful in D'Narenth's village; Elan'fal and Vorador can go with him, I will be better for the Dwarf village." says the Half-Elf.  He reluctantly puts the diary away, takes one of the surplus studded leather armor, and starts cutting into it. 


Aid Innil, using whatever relevant skill.

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"Elan'fal, tell me what herbs you need, and I will help you find them, assuming they grow in this area." Elan'fal now has his interest. While survival is one of his skills, D'Narenth would be the first to say that he doesn't know everything. Even if there is magic involved in what the elf wants to do, knowing the herbal ingredients can do nothing but improve his own skills.

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"As much as D'Narenth's village sounds fascinating, I don't think it would be intelligent to split up," Quelten says reluctantly.  "We could send a small group forward to sell off some of our excess baggage and exchange our coin, while Innil spends the time to create shoes, but I would not recommend it."

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Eghas walks over to the fire where Elan'fal, and D'Narenth are speaking.  (if they are sitting, he sits, if they are standing he remains standing.)  While he knows that his words will need to be translated, he still speaks directly towards D'Narenth.  Doing anything else would be rude.  "Thank you very much for the information you have given us so far.  To make a decision at this point is difficult, so i was wondering if i could impose upon you to give us some more.  The main thing i am wondering at the moment is this.  This area..."  He swings his arm to indicate the entire beach, "is beautiful, inviting, and very much someplace that i would expect many people to visit.  however, i have seen absolutely no indication that anyone has ever visited here.


Also, you have made it rather clear that, while you are familiar with Elves and Humans, non have been seen here for a good long time.  yet, my kind, the Teiflings, you seem to know even more about, so i would assume that there are some of my kind around.  Also, i may assume that my kind would not be welcome at your village, do you think it would be any different at the Dwarf Village?"

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"Eghas, since you have not behaved as I would have thought, from the beginning, and you are now polite in your questions, I will answer the best that I can..." From his squatting position, D'Narenth leans forward, as if he and Eghas were conspirators, "But you are going to have to tell me the difference between you and a demon spawn. Sooner rather than later, I would request." He leans back.


"This whole land is called Antargeth. The area we are currently in has been subject to many strange things, for hundreds of years. People disappearing and strange creatures just as suddenly appearing. Storms of lightning and loud thunders can come upon you, in a moments notice. It is not a place any of us, who live within 100 leagues would care to cross, let alone come here and camp, like what it seems you might be doing. In this manner, it is indeed accursed, and therefore left in its pristine condition. In the old tongue, it is called Parricus Sceleratus, or the Wicked Park.


"Now, my kind have been battling Orcs, Gnolls, Goblins and Trolls from the north for some time. There are also Human Raiders aided by Demon-Spawn. We have learned to kill all but the Humans on sight. Generally, even the humans were killed, after they showed their true colors!"


D'Narenth, once again scratched an eye-horn, before he continued. "Now the Dwarves? They would be more accepting of you, than those of my kind. It is rumored that the Dwarves have hired some of the demon spawn to help in tracking some of the other enemies."


Standing, D'Narenth continues, "See those distant mountains to the north? They are more than 50 leagues away. Yet it is there we must travel to find a ford across this river. Gelt is the name of that city. But the village of the dwarfs, lie in the same direction, but only four or five leagues away.


"Now, we must hurry, as I will not spend the night here. I will be at least a league away, when the sun sets."

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Eghas nods his thanks, then turns to the group.  "We must prepare to leave.  Reld, armor up, you're on your horse, leading, the rest of us, i ask that we walk, and allow the children to ride, since we do not have time to make them foot coverings.  Gather the equipment, and stow it where we can.  If there is another horse left, i would ask that Quelten or Barrett ride that one on our rear.  It is getting late, and we must be away form this place before the sun sets."


He turns and speaks to D'Narenth.  "When we are traveling, i will answer what i can."  He then turns quickly, moves over to his gear, and prepares himself to leave.

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Innil quickly packs away the partly made shoes and attaches it to the horse he had been using. He aids one of the boys into the saddle and calls for Luth to follow him as he follows D'Nareth.


As he catches up to Eghas and Elan'fal he whispers to them, "Might be best to go to the Dwarf village. I can speak Dwarvish and it sounds like it will be safer for us all."

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The group is getting ready to leave.  Zemzelett abandons the partly-cut-up leather armor, and decides to go a once-over on all remaining loot.  Because of his knack with numbers, the half-elf was usually put in charge of tallying up the Troupe's receipts (under supervision of course), a skill he now puts into use.

  1. He takes the contents of pile 1 (handcrafted wood lute) and thrusts them into the kind elf's hands.  (Worth 100 griffin)
  2. He takes the contents of pile 2 (silver candleholders) and shoves them into the bossy cleric's pack.  (Worth 70 griffin)
  3. He takes the contents of pile 3 (silver quiver, 13 raven, 22 copper, 7 griffin, 1 crown) and offers them to Eghas.  (Worth 69.33 griffin)
  4. He nods with approval as the young Beurden takes the contents of pile 5 (94 raven, 64 copper, 32 griffin, 3 crown - Worth 69.34 griffin)
  5. He takes the contents of pile 6 (104 raven, 63 copper, 32 griffin, 3 crown) and gives them to Vorador.  "Your share of the spoils, though I wonder where you are going to put them!" he quips to the half-naked half-elf.
  6. He takes the contents of pile 7 (103 raven, 53 copper, 33 griffin, 3 crown) and gives them to Reld.  "That was awesome fighting.  Here's your cut, although I think Eghas over there still owes you some coin for your one-hit kills.

There was the matter of the three magic artifacts.  Quelten has expressed interest in the ring, and so he gives the ring over to him.  After hearing Vorador repeat what was said to him, the half-elf decides that the dagger would be better off with the tiefling, and so hands it over.  As for the amulet, he certainly wasn't going to put anything magical that he didn't know about around his neck, so he leaves it behind.


Finally, the half-elf takes note of what the young Rogue has equipped.  The young human is far more agile than strong, but he still needs a better melee weapon.  Sidling over to young Melirel, Zemzelett offers him the two shortswords he took from the Legion camp.  "I know you fight from range, and we'll try to keep it that way, but you still need something to protect yourself if things get ugly.  That dagger isn't going to cut it.  With your finesse however, I am sure you can fight effectively with these!"


*** OOC: Yes, majority of this post was entirely out of character, but I hope you don't mind my railroading of the spoils to expedite things!  I think ten pages of doing nothing but just talking was starting to get a little boring :) ***

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Zemzelett sidles over to D'Narenth, his curiousity getting the better of his fear for the moment.  For a while, he has been wracking his head as to what type of beast the creatures they fought were.  They look like orcs, but had horns like a rhinoceros.  


Timidly poking at the Dragonborn's scaly hide, Zem asks haltingly while showing D'Narenth the horn (with Elan'fal translating): "E-e-excuse me, S-s-sir.  I took this from o-o-one of the things we took down.  D-d-do you know what sort of being it w-w-was?"

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Quelten thanks Zemzelett very politely for the ring, and immediately slips it onto his right hand, leaving the left for his signet ring.


Quelten, policing the camp, notices that the amulet had been left on the ground.  Shaking his head in shock, he picks it up and takes it over to Eghas.  "Just leaving a magical item of unknown nature and power lying around is a bad idea.  It's too likely to come back and bite us in the ass.  Do you want to keep a hand on it, or shall I?  Given that it is unknown, I'd recommend against anyone wearing it.  I was raised on stories of my dear great-aunt Bernard, who put on the wrong belt, and well... Her wife left her after it was determined that the transformation was permanent.  The poor kids never did quite get what had happened to their father, either."

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D'Narenth could tell that the group was undecided as to what and how much to take of the "spoils" that appeared with them. The distance between him and the group was growing, as he hadn't stopped moving, he hollered at them, "Leave it or take it. Whatever. It will not be there in the morning. Nothing ever is."

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Quelten sighs.  Why can't anyone ever understand a simple question.


"I'm not talking equipment or gear for selling.  I'm talking about leaving a clean camp behind us.  But since D'Narenth doesn't think that's important, just leave the trash and corpses to rot. I don't like the feel of this place, and judging from his reaction this is not a good place to stay."

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