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Publish or for fun?

Mark C.

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As I brand new member, I can claim the one time exemption from foot in mouth-itis, for submitting a post or topic that may ruffle feathers or be inappropriate. I have looked around the site and in that limited perusing, have not seen this topic.

Do members ever publish stories and earn money from them? I joined this site since I was editing a story for a new member and thought it would do me good to be a member when I started my own stories. (BTW, Ken, have written 10 paragraphs on first story, grin...) If someone publishes for money, are they "ex-communicated" from the site? Congratulated? Made to feel they "sold out". I know writing is for enjoyment and I am awed by the amount of effort you all have put into this site and hope to be an active member going forward and establishing some good friendships but if at the end of the day, if someone can earn a dollar from it, is it a bad thing?

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To answer your question...  Here's my Smashwords page, which has earned me a grand total of, oh, about $50 over the last four years.  (If that!)  And they haven't exiled me yet.  And since I'm the TroubleMaker In Chief, well, if they were gonna exile anyone it would be me!


Oh, wait... I'm also their web programmer... huh... :D

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We wouldn't Exile anyone if they got published. Now if its a story that is on the site and the publisher requires it to be taken down we might cry and stomp our feet a little but we still wouldn't Exile the only Exile conversation I can ever remember the Administrators having was in Regards to Rilbur and that was voted down (closely) ummm I don't think I am suppose to talk about that.  Hmmm Ignore that statement about me proposing Rilbur get exiled and all the admins voting yes except one (it had to be unanimous). Nope I have said nothing here. Move on Folks nothing to see here.

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I have read a number of authors since I discovered online stories. Some started building their craft with free posted stories, then went to pay for view sites or ebooks, then to self-publishing and some hit the big time and went mainstream and I found them in Borders and Barnes and Noble as paperbacks and hardbacks.  


However someone develops their craft, if we are part of helping them that would make us so proud.  And grateful if they would like to continue to provide other offerings allowed within their contracts.


Rilbur, that is another matter.  If that young man doesn't get me some more chapters to edit... Well we will be talking!  

And to think I voted to keep him on the boat!

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To get back on track, Many of us write for fun, some want to be published. I write as a hobby, it allows me to relax and ignore the rat race for a few minutes. I have no intention of ever publishing, nor do I think I am good enough to publish. But if someone from here did get published I am sure everyone here would be extremely happy and proud for them.  

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