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Play by post Role Playing

ken barber

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It slightly makes fun of a subject and is little exaggerated.


Well ofc it is exaggerated...that's why it is great lol :D I can already see meh!! "<char name> concentrated and using his psyonic abilities tore the wall to shreads allowing them passage out of the prison. The guards were ill-equiped to handle him. Five guards flew backwards knocked uncontious against the wall as a psy-burst radiated outwards from his mind.


He turned to his friends. "See? Told ya we'd get out of here in no time!" Pressing a finger on his lips. "Hmmm...now to find a spaceship out of this rock!" He said and walked out of the rubble.



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Lol I'm not really into that stuff, not nearly as much as elves, etc, sci-fi, star wars etc etc but I can live with it...maybe start something and if I really don't like it...I have my vampire char walk out in the daylight...:P

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Many moons ago I ran a weekend live action World of Darkness game.  It was White Wolf Games' Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling and Mage.  I've also run online comic book style games (X-Brats) and run and played many other systems, Rifts predominantly.  So picking a genre and running with it shouldn't be a problem.  Like I said before, we have a lot of really creative people here.  Just a matter of sorting out the direction and then playing in the gray areas.

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well this topic sure faded: all without any kind of consensus


So I will toss out this- Who would like to play in a D&D fifth ed play by post campaign with me running it.


If we get enough response I will give a great deal more details in the coming days. I would want at lest five committed players, preferably more and would expect either a post with 48 hours or a warning that you cannot post within that time frame and allow me to take an action for you. If you are going out of town or can't jump on for a bit you can give me guidelines for your character to operate under.


waiting to see the level of interest....

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Here is a good link to build your starting character from: you will have to input stats, not roll them



Do not worry about buying equipment. I will handle that in the first few posts.


The starting enviornmet will be a port city with heavy woods to the north and west and rugget mountians to the south.


I will not tell you anymore information. Also try to get some more players so we can kick this off!



Here is some basic background rules for character creation. I will be using a point buy system for stats so everyone strat out on equal footing


Point buy cost per stat: (purchase stats before race modifiers)-

All characters start with 29 points to buy stats:

Remember you must account for all 6 stats


Stat score     Point buy cost   Stat bonus in game

7                         -1                         -2

8                          0                         -1

9                          1                         -1

10                        2                          0

11                        3                          0

12                        4                         +1

13                        5                         +1

14                        7                         +2

15                        9                         +2

16                        12                       +3

17                        15                       +3

18                        19                       +4


D&D Age chart for Castel Roland game After character is complete adjust stats for age as below:


Keep in mind this as the age of appearance- since different races age differently, this would be a child appearing as the ages listed below


Age 1-7 not permissible to play


Age 8-9

Str    -3

Dex  -2

Con  -2

Int     -2

Wis   -4

Char -1


Age 10-11

Str      -2

Dex     -1

Con     -1

Int       -1

Wis     -3

Char    0


Age 12-13

Str      -1

Dex    -1

Con    -1

Int       -1

Wis     -2

Char    0


Age 14-15

Str     -1

Dex    0

Con   -1

Int      0

Wis    -1

Char   0


Age 16-45 No Penalty


Age 46-55

Str     -1

Dex   -1

Con   0

Int      0

Wis   +2

Char  +1


Age 56-65

Str    -2

Dex   -1

Con   0

Int     +1

Wis   +3

Char +1


65+ Character cannot start this old

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