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Second Chance

Castle Herald

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Wow, not only the dads but all the boys are going to get married. The book deal now has turned into a up coming toy deal as well. Ms. Bell is no one to mess with is she. She is going to be of much help to Rob with his homeless projects. With all that has happened just a year has passed. You can not say it has been dull. Looking foreward to see what happens next.


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Well, we see the boys hada wonder csping trip. On the way home Eric being sick and josh tender care saved him alot of problems. As he heals from the surgery the boys will have to take it slow. Maybe.hecan get his wrighting took care of.

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Very heart worming and thoughful tri-wedding. We see the deep love the pairs have for each other. We also see over and over again the love little Robbie has from all of them.  All are truely blessed to be loved by so many and to have found the loves of their life.

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A nice read, we see the boys after the weddings. We also see Rob help poor Sam find his family. Looks as if Sam is on his way to reniting with them once more. They are more to Sam than we can see. Wonder what will happen next?

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These two chapters are some of the best so far of the story. They are nothing but awsome. Blake has a wonderful new job. He is doing very well and notice by the boss. The house is becoming more of a home to all three pairs. Making ot thier own a bit more. We ass trust being given to the younger martied pairs by the dads. The mission and the work of the high schoolers are being notice by higher ups. As well as the town as a whole with better things to come I hope.

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As always an most enjoyable read. One thing, I would have liked to know how well the art show had went. I would have like to have seen the dollar amount sold in art as well as the books. The Sunday book signing we never was toldhow it went nor if it was a sale out or not. We will have to return to find out want we.

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A very enjoyable read as always it is a wonderful story. Luc made a mistakebut owned upto it very quickly. Garret was mad at first but ws forgiving in the end. Luc being so down on himself thought unwisely. In the end doing the right thing after all. Looking foreward to the next time we return to the story.

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Those past few chapters are some of the best yet. We see a DHS worker, a self made moral police officer. She tring to enflict her own rightwing moral code on others. We see this more than we like in world we live in. Chapter 72 is just awsome. We see what kind of young man Rod has become. In his time to shine in the sun as an honored guest he keep his ego in check. He stops to help Jay Krum a young man much like himself was on the street an out of luck. It makes tears come to your eyes. We never stand so tall as when we stoop to help our brother. There is an old saying "friends are those people that helps you back on your feet when your wings have forgotten how to fly".

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Everything is going so well. I wonder when a litte rain will fall. Isaac and Jay is doing very well. Jay got his money back. Isaac has his grandpa. Looks as if those two have it well in hand. We will see what happens next.

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